Princeton, NJ (Tuesday, July 16, 2019) – Although VictimsVoice, an app that addresses important issues raised by the #MeToo movement, has only been live for less than a month, the company is already achieving major accomplishments. One of these accomplishments is the addition of Heather Glogolich to the team, who will be the team’s new Law Enforcement Advisor. Glogolich has been…
Read MorePrinceton, NJ (Thursday, June 20, 2019) – Just under a year ago, Sheri Kurdakul acted on a vision to help survivors of domestic violence. From this vision, she founded VictimsVoice: a legal tool that gives victims of abuse a legal voice. As the Founder and CEO of the company, and a survivor of domestic violence, Kurdakul aspires to reach a national…
Read MoreNEW JERSEY allows domestic violence protective orders to include pets. In addition, federal law includes the crime of stalking and actions that make the victim fear that the stalker will hurt the victim's pet, service or emotional support animal, or horse (18 U.S.C. § 2261A (2019)). BLUE STATES specifically provide for the inclusion of pets in protective/restraining orders. GRAY STATES do…
Read MoreNEW JERSEY is considered a One-Party Consent State, in that at least one person involved in the recorded communication must give permission. This means that if you are recording others in a conversation that involves you as well, then it is legal to do so within the legal definition of the law. BUT... There are circumstances and spaces that can…
Read MoreCALIFORNIA is considered an All-Party Consent State, in that all people involved in the recorded communication must give permission. BUT... There are circumstances and spaces that can affect whether you can legally record your abuser, even in a 1-party consent state. Under California law, it is a crime punishable by fine and/or imprisonment to record a confidential conversation without the…
Read MoreARKANSAS is considered a One-Party Consent State, in that at least one person involved in the recorded communication must consent. It is a misdemeanor in Arkansas for a person to record an oral or telephone communication to which they are not a party. BUT... There are circumstances and spaces that can affect whether you can legally record your abuser, even…
Read MoreARIZONA is considered a One-Party Consent State, in that at least one person involved in the recorded communication must consent. In Arizona, it is a felony to record an in-person or phone conversation without that consent. Violators may also be subject to civil liability. With that said, federal and state laws can differ, so it is always best to seek…
Read More#MeToo encourages people to publicly voice their stories of harassment and abuse, but social media can lure victims into a false sense of security as a safe and protected space. It’s important the legal rules be plainly explained to avoid costly consequences that may push victims back into the shadows again, or worse, victimize them with a double-edged sword -…
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