Creating collaborations that maximize community resources & increase safety for victims of domestic violence. The Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council (HCDVCC) is an accredited 501(c)(3) organization serving the Harris County area. HCDVCC is guided by charity, safety, honesty, & respect. We create collaborations that: increase DV victim safety, hold perpetrators of DV criminally accountable, and maximize community resources.VICTIMSVOICE PARTNER MEMBER Members of…
Read MoreThe Nueces County District Attorney’s Office is committed to serving and protecting the citizens of Nueces County. Our office seeks to protect and serve the citizens of Nueces County through successful prosecution and effective community involvement. We are committed not only to employing traditional tools of prosecution to seek justice, but also incorporating technology and best practices to ensure our…
Read MoreCenter of Hope is a refuge of peaceful existence providing innovative and compassionate direct advocacy, emergency shelter, and residential services to victims of domestic abuse, sexual violence, stalking, and human trafficking.VICTIMSVOICE PARTNER MEMBER Members of the community in need of a free VictimsVoice license can request one at this location.24-hour hotline: 931-381-8580 Admin office: 931-840-0916 Mailing Address: 110 E 7th…
Read MoreSafeHouse Program Clarksville Area Urban Ministries’ SafeHouse program provides inclusive and trauma-informed advocacy services to Survivors of domestic violence and their minor children. Services are available to anyone victimized by domestic violence including women, men, LGBTQ+, children, Survivors with disabilities, and Survivors from historically marginalized or underserved populations. SafeHouse staff are available 24 hours daily to assist anyone in need…
Read MoreLaurens County SAFE Home, “Safe Home”, provides 24-hour services for victims of domestic violence. Our mission is to provide a safe place for victims of domestic violence to find comfort, peace, acceptance, and support while they are rebuilding shattered lives. We provide shelter for abused women and their children. Services provided along with shelter: child care service assistance limited money for transportation…
Read MoreShe Is U Inc. It is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide supportive services that include mental health, transitional housing, employment resources, and education that build self-esteem, improve relationships, and lead to a more productive life. As a survivor, our founding President, Shakina Rush, has first-hand experience of all three. Shakina dedicated her life to spread awareness and…
Read MoreYou have the power. We can help. We work to empower survivors of abuse and prevent domestic violence. Annually thousands of survivors of abuse and their children are supported through the 24/7 hotline, emergency safe shelter, counseling and legal advocacy. The safe house provides at least 30 days of emergency shelter to women and their children. Safe house staff helps…
Read MoreEducate. Advocate. End Abuse. Safe Berks, formerly Berks Women in Crisis, provides a safe haven and ongoing support system for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Services include: Hotline Housing/Shelter Counseling Legal Services Medical Advocacy Partnership Program (MAPP) Education and Community Outreach VICTIMSVOICE PARTNER MEMBER Members of the community in need of a free VictimsVoice license can request one at…
Read MoreWhere Employment Law Meets Workplace Culture Loutel offers employment law counseling and compliance services and workplace culture and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) performance solutions. We counsel small, medium, and large businesses on how to comply with new employment laws, regulations, opinions and guidance from federal and state agencies. For your company workforce, we deliver our unique VIBE Approach to layer…
Read MoreOur journey begins and ends with love. We love animals and believe that Oklahoma will see a day when every healthy and adoptable pet finds a home. Since 2007, we have impacted more than 150,000 animals in Oklahoma. We hope you will join us on as we change the landscape of animal welfare in Oklahoma.VICTIMSVOICE PARTNER MEMBER Members of the…
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