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Armor Crack

Sometimes The Armor Cracks

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I was at the EVAWI 2022 conference listening to the final plenary, “A Story Of Triumph Over Tragedy,” presented by Michelle Corrao. She was sharing the story of her abduction, the violent rapes forced upon her, and her subsequent rescue from the trunk of a car. While she shared the 10,000 foot detail view of the violence, it was her...
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A Justice Crew Holiday Poem

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‘Twas the night before my court date and all through the day My poor nerve endings were frazzled, I was in serious dismay My evidence was all packaged in my VictimsVoice App And my advocate said, “At least try a small nap. You have Prosecutors in your corner and we have a strong case. Every piece of good evidence is…

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Woman Shhh

Trapped In A Sharing Dilemma

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As survivors, we are encouraged to speak out against domestic violence (I scream against it) and share ways we overcame with those who come after us, trying to help them navigate through the pain, trauma, and often unfairness of our legal and justice systems. As a member of numerous private groups on Facebook, safety is often found by sharing the...
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Cyber Stalking

Advice From a Cyber Stalked Survivor

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I am a survivor. I didn’t always see myself as a survivor. I used to be confused, scared, hurt, depressed… the adjectives are never-ending. I didn’t know what was happening to me or around me. Most of the abuse and harassment were cyberattacks, not even under his name. Most of it had no name attached, some came from names of…

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Child asking if you would believe her

Out Of The Mouth Of Babes

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Kids can be brutally honest. They share with the world (loudly) the imperfections about ourselves we work so hard to hide – “Mommy, your roots are getting black!” or “Your belly is round and big like mine.” All of it to a child is just innocently voicing an observation, not meant in malice but wanting to be part of a…

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No Room For Racism

No Room For Racism

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What has happened for too long is an abomination that cannot be ignored. George Floyd’s murder was like a strong gust of wind that fueled our country’s already smoldering issues of control, humiliation, oppression, abuse, and murder. There are so many parallels between domestic violence and #BlackLivesMatter – they are both about oppressor’s control and both about a lack of…

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What's After COVID-19

What Happens After COVID-19?

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I am a planner. Having been subjected to domestic abuse and having to put a safety plan in place (more than once), I am one that is always looking into the future, playing through as many potential scenarios as possible, planning for worst-case scenarios, then living for the best. With so many news outlets now talking about the rise in…

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Covid-19 essage from our CEO

COVID-19: A Message from our CEO

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Dear Users, Clients, Supporters, and Followers: As a site that victims around the US count on for legal documentation, VictimsVoice is closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19. Our company is taking all precautions and is prepared to make any necessary actions, acting in conjunction with recommendations from our local and state authorities. Drawing from The Centers for Disease Control and…

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