Advocacy lifeline to anyone in an abusive relationship.
We have community-based programs provide confidential services to victims, helping them navigate the court system and strategize for their safety. Community advocates addresses the range of issues that victims must negotiate: housing, physical and mental health needs, financial support, children’s issues, etc. Advocates also support survivors as conflicting feelings arise about their abusive intimate partners. Early advocates were often battered women themselves, who knew how important it is to be heard and understood. We offer self-help groups which provide important support to victims ending abuse in their relationships.

Members of the community in need of a free VictimsVoice license can request one at this location.
Contact Information
24-hour hotline: 803-792 9020 (call or text)
Admin office: 803-448-3109
NC Mailing Address:
PO Box 2563
Monroe, NC 28111
Contact Information
SC Mailing Address:
PO Box 904
Chester, SC 29706