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Audio Video Surveillance

Video And Audio Surveillance Laws: PA

By Pennsylvania, Policy
PENNSYLVANIA is considered an All-Party Consent State, in that all people involved in the recorded communication must give permission. BUT... There are circumstances and spaces that can affect whether you can legally record your abuser, even in a 1-party consent state.   DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT! We know you, like all the others, probably already are documenting, but the problem is…
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Address Confidentiality Program

Address Confidentiality Laws: PA

By Pennsylvania, Policy
The Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) exists to protect victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and other crimes from their abusers being able to track and locate them, potentially putting them in continued harm's way. The program gives victims a legal substitute address where their first-class mail will be forwarded (free of charge) to their actual address. This substitute address…
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