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What if you could personally do something to help victims?

12.7 Million

You CAN make a difference!

Every year, 12.7 million people in the United States are affected by domestic violence, yet despite the MeToo movement, we still see less than 2% of abusers prosecuted.

Donate To Help A Victim

Your card donation will be gifted to a victim that cannot afford to pay the annual fee and give them the chance to safely and securely #Record2Remember so they will finally be #HeardAndBelieved.

Donate to a nonprofit or VictimsVoice Partner  and you are donating a one-year subscription to a victim that includes account usage and secure, encrypted data storage.



$ 30.00

Per Card


Use code HOLIDAYWK19


VictimsVoice App

They Deserve a Tool To Help

When victims’ need to document each incident of abuse, there’s a tool that you can help them access. It captures all the right information. It’s secure. It meets the strict legal requirements of court admissibility. Best of all, they control their account and it’s information – no one else.

Why Documentation?

Because trauma prevents victims of abuse from remembering enough specific details for others to believe them or bring a case to court. But documenting all the right information is hard and having it admissible in court is harder.

We simplify the complex. We make sure the victim can get the right information into a legally admissible tool that is safe to use, secure enough so abusers can NEVER access it, and private enough that there identity is never revealed unless they choose to do so.

Your Donation

Your activation card(s) donation allows those directly offering services to victims an opportunity to get this valuable legal tool in the hands of those who desperately need it.

Your donation lessens the financial burden to the victim and the organizations and allows you to make a measurable and direct difference immediately.

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