Embracing Life Free From Domestic Abuse
Hope’s Door prevents, responds to, and partners to end domestic and intimate partner violence and other forms of abuse. We provide a 24/7/365 crisis, support and information hotline (the gateway to all our services) as well as emergency shelter to ensure individuals are safe from the threat of violence. Engaging in domestic violence education and training in schools and community centers throughout Westchester County, Hope’s Door offers counseling, advocacy and legal services for victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. All of our services are provided free of charge to victims and survivors.

Members of the community in need of a free VictimsVoice license can request one at this location.
Contact Information
24-hour hotline: 888-438-8700
Admin office: 914-747-0828
Mailing Address:
Hope’s Door Family Justice Center
County Courthouse
111 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
White Plains, NY 10601