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Princeton, NJ (Tuesday, July 16, 2019) – Although VictimsVoice, an app that addresses important issues raised by the #MeToo movement, has only been live for less than a month, the company is already achieving major accomplishments. One of these accomplishments is the addition of Heather Glogolich to the team, who will be the team’s new Law Enforcement Advisor.

Glogolich has been serving for a Morris County, New Jersey Law Enforcement Agency for the past 15 years, and has been a Police Lieutenant since March of this year. One of her many responsibilities is to investigate domestic violence incidents in the community, where she is dedicated to taking action to aid victims.

“It’s appalling to see the way that everything works and how unsafe it is to be a victim, especially when they try to come forward,” explains Glogolich. “But after my own personal experience with domestic violence, I knew that I had a purpose to pay it forward to the community and to make it better.”

As a result, Glogolich helps train officers and community volunteers to be able to assist victims and help them receive proper care. “Doing this allows me to connect more with the victims which I find to be extremely humbling,” says Glogolich. “At the end of the day, I hope that my officers and I are able to show genuity when helping victims.”

Sheri Kurdakul, VictimsVoice founder and CEO, was introduced to Glogolich at a local panelist event in Morris County. “The thing that I loved the most about Heather is that she is a real person with experience on both sides – victim and law enforcement,” explains Kurdakul. “Other than my personal experience, I have no knowledge of police interaction with victims, and she understands the importance of what we are doing and is assisting us in ensuring we get all aspects right.”

Within the VictimsVoice app, the victim owns the information in the evidence report form they fill out. After completing the form, the victim then has control over if, when, or to whom the evidence report is shared with. The app also eliminates a financial trail or barrier to access for the victim, since according to the Allstate Foundation Purple Purse, almost 99% of domestic violence victims experience financial abuse, in which they have no control over their finances.

After talking with Kurdakul and being shown the app, Glogolich knew she wanted to promote this to people to have as a resource for help. “When Sheri showed me the app, we both realized in that moment there are improvements we can make on creating a report form for victims to complete,” explains Glogolich. “She offered me to join her team as a Law Enforcement Advisor after I had made suggestions on a few changes that improved the app, and I was more than excited to accept. I believe this will be a healing process for me and will allow me to take something from my past that was bad and turn it into something good.”

The VictimsVoice app is live and currently available in the Google Play Store and as a progressive web app. For more information, visit the official website at

CONTACT: Ashley Britton

About VictimsVoice

VictimsVoice is a tool that aims to fix the legal documentation burdens victims face when recalling details for reporting acts of abuse, harassment, and discrimination. It is built to meet HIPAA and VAWA compliance, as well as the strict legal standards (Daubert Standard) of court admissibility and gives complete ownership and control to the victim – no one else. 

We’re very social and encourage you to follow us @VictimsVoiceApp – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and, Medium

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