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The Ohio Domestic Violence Network (ODVN) believes that ending violence against all people—regardless of gender—and their children requires a connection with organizations and individuals to create a clear vision and collective voice for social and systemic change.

ODVN’s purpose is to support and strengthen Ohio’s response to domestic violence through training, public awareness, and technical assistance and to promote social change through the implementation of public policy. ODVN maintains a commitment to the empowerment of battered survivors and their children as well as to the elimination of personal, institutional, and cultural violence.

Ohio Domestic Violence Network logo

Members of the community in need of a free VictimsVoice license can request one at this location.

Contact Information

24-hour hotline: 800-934-9840
Admin office: 614-781-9651

Mailing Address:
174 E Long St., #200
Columbus, OH 43215

Location Map

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