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Below is the state map presented by counties. Click on a county to find information about available VictimsVoice Partner Members.

Adams Barnes Benson Billings Bottineau Bowman Burke Burleigh Cass Cavalier Dickey Divide Dunn Eddy Emmons Foster GoldenValley GrandForks Grant Griggs Hettinger Kidder LaMoure Logan McHenry McIntosh McKenzie McLean Mercer Morton Mountrail Nelson Oliver Pembina Pierce Ramsey Ransom Renville Richland Rolette Sargent Sheridan Sioux Slope Stark Steele Stutsman Towner Traill Walsh Ward Wells Williams

VictimsVoice Partner Member



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The VictimsVoice Partners below will provide a 1-year license for the VictimsVoice tool at no cost. Click their links for information on their area of specialty, location, and how to best reach out to them.

VictimsVoice Partner Members - North Dakota

Abused Adult Resource Center

Abused Adult Resource Center logo

We offer support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The mission of the Abused Adult Resource Center is to assist victims of domestic violence and sexual assault by...

Domestic Violence & Abuse Center

DVAC-ND logo


The leadership of the Domestic Violence & Abuse Center includes representatives of the county governments, law enforcement, and other community members within Cavalier, Pembina,...

Styled with Strength

Styled with Strength logo

Creating a community for women that celebrates, empowers, and advocates for one another-always.

Styled with Strength is part shop, part outreach, and all community rooted in the belief that every...

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Below are policies and laws that directly affect those suffering from abuse, harassment, and domestic violence. Click below to view the details of each category.

What are “Rules of Evidence” and why does it matter?

State Rules of Evidence are the rules that tell the state courts what evidence may be considered admissible and what may not. Generally speaking, it is the state legislature that creates these rules.

What is the “Victims’ Bill Of Rights” and why does it matter?

A crime victim has the following rights under 42 U.S.C. § 10606(b):

  • The right to be treated with fairness and with respect for the victim’s dignity and privacy. The right to be reasonably protected from the accused offender.
  • The right to be notified of court proceedings.
  • The right to be present at all public court proceedings related to the offense, unless the court determines that testimony by the victim would be materially affected if the victim heard other testimony at trial.
  • The right to confer with [an] attorney for the Government in the case.
  • The right to restitution.
  • The right to information about the conviction, sentencing, imprisonment, and release of the offender.


Below are laws and policies that directly affect those suffering from abuse, harassment, and domestic violence. Click below to view the details of each category.

Audio Video Surveillance

Video And Audio Surveillance Laws: ND

Hands holding phones that spell, "Can I Record?"NORTH DAKOTA is considered a One-Party Consent State , in that at least one person involved in the recorded communication must give permission.


There are circumstances and spaces that...

*Information in the "Policy" section does not constitute as legal advice. Please consult an attorney for any and all legal advice.
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