You Beginning
We are committed to the achievement of racial, ethnic and cultural diversity within its workplace, which will in turn provide the delivery of culturally competent care to the clients we serve. We strive to create an environment of acceptance of individual differences as we understand that diversity among our workforce contributes to a unified and interdependent team that is aware and sensitive to the diverse values and needs of one another as well as our clientele. This understanding and acceptance allows the empowerment of individuals to develop in order that each of us and each of the clients we serve can develop to their fullest potential.

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Contact Information
24-hr Hotline: 607-754-4340 | 877-754-4340
Advocacy/Counseling: 607-748-5174
Admin office: 607-748-7453
Mailing Address:
PO Box 393
Endicott, NY 13761