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When sexual assault is part of a long-term abuse situation, there are tools to help.

Self-Guided, Online Reporting Tool for Sexual Assault Victims

How Does It Work?

Whether your sexual assault is part of long-term domestic abuse or not, forceful acts of sexual violence are overwhelming and traumatic. You might not know where to turn or what to expect from the resources available. That’s where SEEK THEN SPEAK can help.

SEEK THEN SPEAK is an independent web-based app that can generate a PDF report for a survivor’s records and/or to voluntarily provide to law enforcement.

End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) has partnered with VictimsVoice to create a self-guided, online interviewing tool for sexual assault victims. SEEK THEN SPEAK offers sexual assault survivors and support people a way to privately gather information and explore options for medical care, supportive services, and reporting to police (SEEK). If they choose, survivors can then begin the process of reporting to police by completing a detailed, self-guided interview (SPEAK). 

If a tool is needed to store a report long-term outside of law enforcement, a survivor can choose to upload their report directly into the VictimsVoice* tool.


SEEK screenshot on iPhone

Find answers to the information you need to understand the process, the available services, your rights, and how to maintain your privacy and safety.

Your privacy is respected. Nothing is recorded. It’s a process for you to gather information – that’s all.


SPEAK screenshot on iPhone

Answer questions in a step-by-step process that collects the details needed for law enforcement to begin their investigation.

When you’re done, you can email, print, or download a copy. No information is stored in Seek Then Speak.


VictimsVoice screenshot iPhone

You may want to collect the details while they are still clear in your mind, but not ready to come forward to the police.

VictimsVoice allows you to safely, privately, and securely store your report until you are ready to decide who should receive it.


Because legally admissible documentation really doesn't matter... UNTIL IT DOES.

*VictimsVoice is an independent and privately owned and operated web-based app, not directly affiliated with Seek Then Speak.

VictimsVoice is a legally admissible documentation tool built to help record court-worthy evidence for victims of domestic violence, stalking, and harassment. While it is typically used in long-term abuses (domestic violence, stalking, etc.), it is the perfect tool to securely and privately store your Seek Then Speak report until you are ready to take action.

Our processes for collecting information, sending your details securely, and storing them in a way that meets the courts’ chain of custody requirements means that you don’t have to worry about your report falling into the wrong hands.

While there is an annual subscription fee, we have partnered with organizations (VictimsVoice Partner Members) around the country that will provide you with a free one-year license. To find a partner member, click on the button to the right.

A subscription to VictimsVoice is not required to use Seek Then Speak.

Giving Victims a Legal Voice.

VictimsVoice app home page

Need SEEK THEN SPEAK Technical Support?

If you need crisis support, dial 911 or contact your local sexual assault crisis center, police department, or hospital.

If you are experiencing technical issues with the application or wish to leave feedback, click the button below.

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