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Victims deserve to be informed of their legal rights while treated with fairness, dignity, and respect.

Victims’ Rights in Arkansas lack a state constitutional amendment for enforceable victims’ rights. Arkansas Victims’ Rights laws exist via state statute. By law, all law enforcement agencies are to provide, inform, and explain victims’ rights to victims of crime. Law enforcement agencies include police agencies, prosecuting attorney offices, parole / probation agencies, and any post-conviction agencies (including holding facilities).

Victim Responsibility: Victims must request the rights they want to use at each stage of the process. This requires victims to notify police agencies, prosecuting attorney offices, victim advocates, parole/probation agencies, and post-conviction agencies of each right the victim wants to put into action.

Laura’s card will educate and empower victims and their families. Information and available resources help victims take back their lives. Victims and their families are entitled to rights and resources that will assist them in their journey to recovery. It is my hope that tragedy will be turned to triumph, and victims will become victors.

Victims' Rights Arkansas logo

Members of the community in need of a free VictimsVoice license can request one at this location.

Contact Information

24-hour hotline: 800-479-7328
Admin office: 323-299-9496

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 8476
Los Angeles, CA 90008

Location Map

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