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Tuesday, Mar. 9, 2021

The Employed Domestic Violence Victim

What happens at home stays at home – right?
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Roughly three-quarters of domestic violence victims are employed outside the home, but the abuse they experience doesn’t always stay in the house when they leave for work.

This program examines the impact of domestic violence on employee victims and their co-workers and the employment laws that support them, as well as the variety of ways an employer can help.

Participants will learn about the sabotage and “spillover” tactics of abusers, review provisions that protect a victim’s job and confidentiality, and discover an assortment of safety strategies that can save the lives of abused employees and their co-workers.


This Lunch-N-Learn is valuable to Employees, Employers, Human Resources and Management Professionals, Domestic Violence Victim Advocates, and Domestic Violence Victims/Survivors

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Lynn Fairweather

Lynn Fairweather

Lynn Fairweather, MSW is a domestic abuse survivor who has worked in the violence response and prevention field for the past 28 years. In her role as president of Presage Consulting and Training, she provides expert guidance and education to professionals in both the public and private sector, ranging from the Federal Government to multinational Fortune 500 corporations. Presage services include domestic violence threat assessment and management training, workplace violence program and policy consultations, and 24/7 on-call threat response for individual employee cases. Ms. Fairweather has also served as a subject matter expert on a variety of corporate and community projects, civil and criminal cases, and legislative issues. Before founding Presage in 2008, she earned a bachelor’s degree in Social Science and a master’s degree in Social Work. Ms. Fairweather’s specialty in domestic violence threat assessment and management was developed by working on thousands of high-risk cases through positions in social service, criminal justice, university, and shelter systems. She has served on several interpersonal violence task forces and facilitated both victim support groups and batterer’s intervention programs.

As the President of Oregon VAWPAC, Ms. Fairweather leads America’s only bi-partisan political action committee focused on ending violence against women. She is an active member of the National Speaker’s Association, The American Society for Industrial Security, and the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals. Ms. Fairweather holds training certifications from multiple institutions such as Homeland Security’s Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and Gavin de Becker’s Advanced Threat Assessment Academy. She also writes professionally on the subject of domestic violence, releasing her first book in 2012 (Stop Signs: Recognizing, Avoiding, and Escaping Abusive Relationships” Seal Press) and appearing as a featured author in Asta Publishing’s 2015 compilation, “Tales of Women Survivors.”


Hamilton Law Firm

Hamilton Law Firm, P.C.

The Hamilton Law Firm represents employees in their claims against their employers arising from harassment, discrimination, and retaliation in the workplace. The Firm also provides advice and counsel to small business employers on business and employment issues.

For more information, CLICK HERE.


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